For Catholics, the sacrament of baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, baptism is the church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.
Congratulations on the upcoming birth or delivery of your precious child! To best prepare parents for this commitment, our staff and ministry team consider it a great honor to assist you as you prepare to raise your child as a member of the Family of God. Kindly, read through this information so you will know what to expect regarding the baptism of your child.Baptismal preparation sessions are scheduled quarterly. Please click here or call the Cluster Office at 563-927-4710 to register for one of the upcoming preparation sessions. Dates are listed below and subject to change.
All classes are held in St. Mary Memorial Room
We recommend that you call as soon as you are aware that you are expecting so that you don’t miss out on a session before the birth of your child.
Baptism may be scheduling during or immediately following any regularly scheduled Mass in the Cluster. For special requests, please call the Cluster Office to make arrangements. Preparation classes must be completed and all appropriate documents returned to the Cluster Office at least three weeks prior to Baptism. Use this link to provide all of the necessary information.
Parents seeking baptism for children age 7 or older should direct their questions to Kathy Oberreuter, Director of Faith Formation, at 563-927-4710. An age-appropriate program is designed to meet the needs of older children and their parents. It is also expected that children age 7 or older are or will be enrolled in the cluster Religious Education program.
Choosing a godparent is exciting and difficult! “Which uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister or friend should I choose”? Being a godparent is NOT an honorary title-it is a responsibility and commitment! Choose wisely! Canon Law requires that each child seeking the Sacrament of Baptism has at least one official godparent who:
is 16 years of age or older
is a practicing Catholic in good standing
has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation
Parents may choose to select one or two godparents. Christians of other faiths may serve as ‘honorary witnesses’ to the Baptism. Catholics who do not qualify as godparents cannot serve as witnesses.
Here are some questions parents might ask themselves when choosing Baptism Sponsors for their child:
Is this a person whose personal life shows the religious and moral values I want my child to learn and practice?
Is this a person who will be willing and able to explain their faith experience, convictions and growth to my child?
Is this a person who will be in frequent contact with my child, especially during the early years of personal and spiritual growth?
Is this a person who will be comfortable, when necessary, challenging me or my child about our faith?
What if my spouse is not Catholic?
The Catholic Church hopes that non-Catholic parents will understand and respect what the Church expects from Catholic parents, and will use the resources of their own faith tradition to assist in the faith formation of children.
Pope John Paul II called the family the ‘domestic church’. It is in the Christian home that the child first learns the values that are shared by the larger family of the Church. In the baptismal ritual the parents are questioned as to their readiness of passing on the faith to their children. The responsibility assumed by parents is also supported by the godparents and the whole Christian community so that the newly baptized can develop into a mature Christian adult.
Must I be a registered member of the Cluster?
It is ideal that you are a member of one of our Blessed Trinity Cluster parishes; however, if you belong to another parish and wish to have your child baptized here, you must obtain written permission from the Pastor/Pastoral Associate of your parish that includes verification of baptismal preparation and a sufficient reason to baptize your child in another parish.
Sacramental Fee: A donation of $20.00 is generally made to the Parish when you return the completed forms to offset preparation materials. You may also choose to make an additional donation directly to the presider at the time of your child’s baptism. (Please make checks payable to the Parish at which you are Baptizing).
Register for a Baptism Preparation Session.
Attend Baptism Preparation Session.
Schedule Baptism.
Choose godparents - must meet the requirements previously stated and be practicing Catholics!
Complete the Baptism Registration Information Form and return the Sacramental Fee to the Cluster Office.
Please note that all information must be submitted to the Cluster Office at least three weeks in advance to allow adequate time for processing. Thank you!
“He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by his Grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life”.
Titus 3 4:7